Statement | Provisional Programme
the last decade, in the slipstream of the social study of globalization,
"modernity" - often defined in opposition to the supposedly unilineal
and eurocentric concept of "modernization" - has become a highly
fashionable notion in various branches of the social sciences. More
and more social science publishers decide that their lists are incomplete
without titles mentioning "modernity". At the same time, some think
the pendulum of academic fashion ought to swing back to the argument
that, like "modernization", "modernity" signifies a eurocentric
metanarrative that, in its global sweep, leaves insufficient room
for local differences. Reasoning in between, scholars debate the
question whether modernity is singular or multiple, whether it still
signifies a temporal break, or is being "spatialized", whether it
is a mere ideological construct or a substantive social development,
and whether "we" - whoever that may be - have, or have never been,
modern. In the meantime, many of our graduate students struggle
with the concept: what do I do with "modernity" in my
is disconcerting to see how quickly late twentieth century intellectual
developments adopt, discard, or trivialize notions that were launched
not so long ago with great enthusiasm and sense of direction. Like
"globalization" and "postmodernity", the term "modernity" seems
to be caught in the cross-fire of critique and the proliferation
of its use to such an extent that it threatens to evaporate its
former promise of providing a critical distance towards classical
social science's visions of "modernization" and "development". We
would like to re-emphaszie this critical potential by urging that
social scientific approaches focus more intently on the genealogies
of modernity.
"genealogical" study of a social construct implies, firstly, that
one does away with the assumption that one should or could pinpoint
its "origin", a singular departure that determines the essence and
goal of the development of this social construct. Secondly, this
decentering of the unilineal trajectory of this social construct
should also question the effects of power, social organisation and
morality that these assumptions of "development" highlight as central.
Applying this to the uses (or misuses) of the notion of "modernity",
it becomes immediately apparent that "modernization" and "modernity"
(whether referring to actual social practices governed by these
terms, or to the attempt to impose a discourse of unilineal development
to social practice) cannot be easily disentangled.
theorists of social and political modernization of the 1950s and
1960s, for instance, used both terms more or less interchangeably,
often constituting "modernity" as the end point of a modernization
process (in a sometimes neat fit with Talcott Parsons' famous -
or notorious - sets of "pattern variables"). This implied a flattening
out - an Americanization - of the often more historically sophisticated
trajectory of social development sketched by Max Weber. Recently,
German and French scholars have advocated the need for a drastic
reevaluation of Weber's work, bringing out counterpoints to his
main arguments that have remained hidden by the attempts to force
his thinking into a unilineal trajectory of, for instance, a universal
"disentchantment" of the world. Others have argued that Weber's
historical scholarship was not flawless, and that he missed certain
historical trends that identify a romantic reenchantment of modern
society carried by the spiritualities of consumerism.
ways to decenter and comment upon the social effects of the grand
narratives of modernity or modernization can be found in recent
thinking about other founding fathers of social science. Restudies
of Emile Durkheim and Marcel Mauss's thoughts about magic and religion
have surfaced a profound ambivalence about the extent to which their
preoccupation with mass society and crowd psychology displays a
return to the "mechanical" solidarities that their main narrative
declared to be un-modern. Durkheim's thinking about the collective
moral consciousness necessary for the modern State - with a large
S - links up with recent arguments about the "magic" or the "theological
effect" of the social construct of the "State". The rereading of
Marx along more literary lines has produced scholarship about the
anxieties of modernity - comprehensively, but not conclusively,
captured in his thinking about "commodity fetishism" - that also
question his otherwise dogmatic insistence on a linear pattern of
social development. Taken together, these commentaries - by anthropological,
sociological, political, media and cultural studies - seem to call
for a historical ethnography of modernity, in all its guises, and
in all the places where its traces can be found.
propose that this first Summer School of the Globalization Network
can fruitfully address the array of genealogies of modernity that
such recent scholarship suggests by focusing on the following set
of related questions:
How monolithic is "modernity"? If we depart from the tendency
of modernization theory to presuppose a unilineal and universal
trajectory from "tradition" to "modernity", acknowledge that modernity
may have different origins and goals, and try to distinguish the
differences among "traditions" it has reinvented in its wake,
do we arrive at different "modernities" produced by different
cultural and social circumstances, or do we arrive at a singular
vision of "modernity" diversified by different historical trajectories?
Whether singular or multiple, does modernity possess certain "family
resemblances" - composed of, say, the procedures of democratic
representation, the exigencies of capitalist accountability, the
cultural and social demands of commoditization, and the disciplines
of technology and science? Supposing such resemblances exist,
do these characteristics of "modernity" also come from places
other than the "West"? If so, what are their trajectories?
If "modernity's" trajectories are multiple (or if "modernity"
is multiple itself), what are "modernity's" social and moral effects?
If it is, indeed, a social construct that produces its own reality,
to what extent does it displace, reinvent, allow for or obliterate
routines and moralities different from it?
To what extent is "modernity" a real social situation? Is it,
in the first place, an ideological construct (creating real social
effects), or is it also a real social effect creating its ideological
consequences? In both cases, what are the historical trajectories
that make it such?
Globalization Network's first Summer School is scheduled to take
place in Amsterdam from 26 August to 1 September 2001. It intends
to bring together the global scholarship developed in the previous
years of the Network's functioning with recent graduate research,
in an attempt to extend the Network's exchange of knowledge to a
generation of successors from both its Northern and its Southern
nodes. The Summer School runs for a full week, dividing days beween
senior lectures in the morning, and presentations by graduate students
in the afternoon. Participants are required to have read a short
list of relevant literature that is directly related to the various
lectures. To assure coherence, participants will be asked to attend
all sessions; full participation is in any case required from the
two convenors the participating graduate students. The senior morning
lectures will be followed by discussions in which students' participation
is particularly solicited. Students' presentations in the afternoon
session will be discussed by the senior scholars giving the morning
Statement | Provisional Programme